
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-20
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[摘要] 随着电子商务的发展,一种新型的电子商务商业营销模式悄然而生—o2o商业营销模式。但随着它的出现,一系列的问题也接踵而至,我们应该做的是分析、解决这些问题,并提出合理的解决方案。


[关键词] o2o商业营销模式 SWOT B2C C2C


[Abstract] With the development of e-commerce, a new type of e-commerce business marketing model quietly and health-o2obusiness marketing model. As it turns out, a series of questions followed, the moment we should do is to analyze and solve these problems, and propose a reasonable solution.

  At present, China research for the o2ocommercial marketing model is still in its infancy, there is no one standard. First through the development process of observation of the o2ocommercial marketing model to understand the current situation of our country in the field, o2obusiness marketing model features compared with other traditional e-commerce model can be more intuitive and clear that the unique characteristics of the commercial marketing model. Then SWOT analysis depth analysis of of o2ocommercial marketing mode in different environments revealed by the advantages, disadvantages, and facing what kind of opportunities and challenges. Finally, the enterprise should be noted that the use of o2oBusiness marketing model.

[Key words]  o2o commercial marketing model  SWOT  B2C  C2C

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:具有一定规模的B2B和B2C网站开始涉足o2o营销模式,比如淘宝网推出的聚划算和淘宝本地生活;在千团大战中留下的老牌团购网站也向着o2o进军,比如在2012年拉手网、嘀嗒团、窝窝团、满......
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