
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-25
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关键词:仓储管理   设施设备  射频识别技术


ABSTRACT:Logistics is the artery of national economy, with the rapid development of China's economy, as well as the national government attaches great importance to a modern warehousing logistics industry got rapid development. Warehouse management will play a key role in the logistics system, therefore, warehousing logistics industry has become one of the industry of future is very promising. Warehousing logistics as one of six major functional elements, function system is valid for the entire logistics operation has played a great influence, high efficient logistics warehousing operation can effectively save resources, reduce the enterprise cost, to ensure normal production. Years of rapid development, China's logistics development has made certain achievements, the massive increase in throughput capacity of the warehouse, logistics, warehousing facilities improve, storage process is more and more specifications, logistics, warehousing is more and more tend to automation, informationization, mechanization management. Therefore, establishing and perfecting the enterprise warehouse management system, standardize enterprise deficiency in the development of logistics, has become China's logistics enterprises need to study an important subject.

   Company based on the C storage as an example, this paper analyzes the C company in warehouse management present situation and the existing deficiency, I worked as an intern in C company and combining with the actual situation, to warehouse management for C company the analysis of existing problems and to solve these problems and puts forward some countermeasures to improve and optimize the scheme. To improve our further understanding and the understanding of warehouse management.

Keywords:Warehouse management   facilities   Radio Frequency IDentification

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:C公司是一家连锁加盟服饰公司,但是公司在仓库库存管理以及仓库布局方面缺乏一些仓储理论知识所以公司在仓储方面存在着一定的问题,公司在库存积压、出入库效率低以及资源配置......
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