
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-25
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关键词:超市蔬菜采购 采购管理模式 JIT采购


ABSTRACT: Supermarket chain development in China for 20 years or so, after has experienced rapid development for several times, has exposed some problems ,In the process of the supermarket chain management, procurement management is the core of the supermarket chain link, throughout the whole process of the supermarket business, in purchasing and supply management, supermarket has exposed more and more problems.Supermarket vegetables procurement management includes purchasing, procurement process, supplier management, market research, procurement contract and so on many aspects, each aspect of the promotion and improvement will positively impact the purchasing management of the supermarket, the supermarket through to improve purchasing management level, increase the income of the purchasing links, can be more efficient, easier to make profits. The level of purchasing and supply management not only affects the supermarket can reduce the cost, can also affect the supermarket, profit management level, competitiveness level. 

   In this article,  in bishan new century supermarket stores, for example,first introduce the supermarket vegetables the characteristics of procurement management, procurement management, procurement process, market research, supplier management, procurement control, procurement contracts. Xinshiji supermarket vegetables purchase according to the status quod, analysis of procurement management in Xinshiji supermarket vegetables, finally the vegetables on the procurement management put forward the corresponding proposal. 

Key words: supermarket vegetables purchase; Purchasing management mode;JIT purchasing

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:本文研究超市蔬菜的采购管理,主要是想通过对超市蔬菜采购过程的了解,熟悉采购流程,采购模式,采购管理,分析超市采取目前的采购管理所表现的结果中的不足之处,再根据当地......
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