
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-31
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摘要:随着全球科技与经济的发展, 互联网技术也变得相对成熟并且已经在各家企业得到了广泛的运用。在互联网电子商务行业不断发展的同时,聚美优品作为中国第一家化妆品限时特卖商城在行业中占据一席之地。

    通过对聚美优品营销策略的研究,并且运用了SWOT 五力模型 STP以及4Ps分析,发现聚美优品存在在同行中竞争压力大,网站技术水平有待提高,存储仓库不全面,互联网危机公关等问题;提出了打造自身企业文化,建立便捷订单流程,向西部地区扩展,组织专属公关部门等解决方案。使得聚美在营销策略方面变得越发完善。

关键词:聚美优品 电子商务行业 SWOT STP 五力模型


ABSTRACT:As a global technology and economic development, Internet technologies are relatively mature and has been widely used in businesses. In the Internet commerce industry evolving at the same time, poly-America as China's first cosmetics limited-time sale Mall a presence in the industry.

    Through on poly beauty u products marketing policy of research, and using has SWOT five force model STP and 4Ps analysis, found poly beauty u products exists in peer in the competition pressure big, website technology remains to be improve, storage warehouse not full, Internet crisis PR, problem; made has build itself enterprise culture, established convenient orders process, to West area extended, organization exclusive PR sector, settlement program. The poly in their marketing strategy is becoming more and more perfect.

 Key words: Jumei Youpin  The electronic commerce industry  SWOT  STP  five force model

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:聚美优品是第一家也是中国最大的化妆品限时特卖商城。致力于创造简单、有趣、值得信赖的化妆品购物体验。如今已是一个全民信息化的时代,互联网企业是由网络为基础的经营,一......
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