
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-24
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关键词:钢铁企业 钢铁销售物流 配送管理 运输管理


ABSTRACT:With the development of economy, the deepening of understanding of logistics enterprises gradually realized the importance of logistics and especially in today's market competition intensifying iron and steel enterprises in order to better development has taken the logistics as a strategic planning issues to consider。 As an enterprise, the ultimate goal is through various means to products delivered to the final consumer customers in order to gain certain benefits,this process is called distribution logistics。

This article mainly aims at DS enterprise sales logistics is analyzed,the analysis of the content includes the following several aspects:DS enterprise sales process、 sales outlets off-site transport、steel and infrastructure conditions。Through the above several aspects of the analysis, find out the defects of DS enterprise in distribution logistics and according to the actual status of the enterprise, enterprise strategic planning combined with the region's economic base,the product demand information to sales logistics improvement Suggestions are put forward。 Improved content includes four aspects: business restructuring, the layout of distribution center, transportation management, inventory control。

Keywords:iron and steel enterprise;Iron and steel sales logistics;Distribution management;Transportation management

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:近几年来,虽然钢铁产业仍保持着发展的趋势,但是,发展速度明显放缓,钢铁企业所面临的压力也越来越大,主要表现在以下三个方面:第一,在资源方面,钢铁行业依赖于大量的资......
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