
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-06-29
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Abstract:Management of colleges and universities to administration is to reduce administrative color, in strengthening the scientific management efforts, explore the establishment of much level,much way education management system. University management to administrative actually includes three meanings, one is to reduce the administration of higher education intervention and management, make university more autonomy; two is to reduce the administrative power in Universities of teaching, administration, logistics department to strengthen the service for the teaching and scientific research consciousness; three is the removal of college administrative level.

Management of colleges and universities to administration is an inevitable trend of university management to administrative reform, also be imperative. This paper first lead to administrative means, analyzing what is university to administration. Subsequent to administration of universities the necessity and importance of university administration, the hazard of. Finally, university management to administrative countermeasure and way. This paper is based on the now China's University Administration in the process of the various problems put forward on the basis of, hope that by writing this paper make oneself of university management to administrative reform have further understanding and the understanding,explore the management to administrative reform countermeasure and way.

Key words:University management; To administration; Reform


上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:出高校去行政化的必要性和重要性,高校管理行政化的危害。最后提出高校管理去行政化的对策和途径。本文是基于现如今我国高校管理行政化过程中存在着各种问题的基础上提出来的......
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