
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-06-29
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Abstract:Since long our country university international academic status and the academic level are not high, and the efficiency is low. University governance structure is the main reason for these problems.  It contributes to the situation of the university administration. The university always depends on government and academic power and administrative power relations configure the dislocation. Get rid of university administration and build the university governance structure is an inevitable choice for the university system with Chinese characteristic. We can build the university governance structure from four aspects of university governance structure of the principles, concepts, approaches and ways. In macroscopic tier, the characters of government should be regulated and the responsibilities of government service should be strengthened. While in microcosmic tier, universities should harmonize the relations between executive power and scientific power, introduce stakeholders and improve positivity of social joining,

Key words:University governance;Structure;Non-administration


上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:构建大学治理结构是建设中国特色现代大学制度的必然选择。针对这一情况,可以从大学治理结构的原则、理念、途径、方式四个方面来构建大学治理结构。通过调整政府的角色,强化......
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