
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-06-29
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Abstract:At present, our country is in the economic and social transformation, in recent years, for example, petitions events, violence demolition, urban management caused by group incidents, interests impaired, "troublemakers", mine disaster, and many other crises are endless. In a crisis occurs more and more frequent today, timely and effectively respond to and deal with these crises has become a major challenge that all levels of government must face. How the government in crises unfolding crisis public relations, successfully resolved the crisis, shaping good government image, is the important subject to construct the socialism harmonious society. A country must reduce the occurrence of crisis, reduces the loss of crisis, enhance the government to deal with crisis's efficiency, must establish a system of crisis management mechanism. The crisis management system includes the crisis prevention and response. The effective crisis management mechanism, can bring the government crisis management into an orderly, normative, coherent orbit, ensuring the government mobilize social resources effectively in the shortest possible time when the crisis occurs, brings the loss of crisis to the lowest degree.

Key words: Government; Crisis; Crisis public relations; Ability construction


上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:政府如何在危机中展开危机公关,顺利解决危机,塑造政府良好形象,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要课题。一个国家要减少危机的发生,降低危机的损失,提高政府应对危机的效......
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