
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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Abstract: The civilian battalion economy is an important of the economic system in our country. It can speed up the development of economic and has great significance on the solution and developing social productivity. The civilian battalion economy is an important of the economic system in our country. It can speed up the development of economic and has great significance on the solution and developing social productivity. The development of the company can not leave the corporate culture. The advance of corporate culture is the necessity and precondition for the company to realize the economic to develop fast, which is the consensus of every entrepreneur. The private enterprises must establish their own excellent corporate culture to be survival and development in the competition. Who can build the corporate culture with characteristics and meet the needs of the age can become the winner in the competition. This article is through the investigation and analysis of the present situation about the private enterprise culture to find out the problems and obstacles in development, and to puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to improve the present situation as well as the direction for the development of enterprise culture.

Keywords:Small and medium private enterprise; Enterprise culture; System construction; Sustainable development


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:中小型民营企业要在竞争中求生存和发展,就必须建立自己优秀的企业文化。谁能构建具有时代特色适应时代需求的企业文化,谁就能在竞争中成为赢家。本文通过对目前中小型民营企业......
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