
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s national economy, the living standards and consumption capacities of human beings have raised to a general improvement, and the retail industry has developed dramatically. Before 1990s, China's retail market has maintained a single pattern of department stores for a long time. Since opening, because of the changes in consumer demands and increased competitions in retail market, specialty stores have developed rapidly as a new retail format. As a high-speed economic development city, Changzhou’s retail development has showed an expanding situation. Nowadays, the number of specialty stores and department stores in Changzhou grew fast and the states of their developments were also quite good, but there were still some problems in their business strategies. This article would be a systematic study about the two forms of retail business strategies in Changzhou.

   This paper mainly regarded the specialty stores and department stores in Changzhou as typical cases to analyze the differences between specialty stores and department stores’ business strategies, such as product strategies, service strategies, target markets and promotion strategies. These studies found out the existence problems, solved the problems and then concluded that specialty stores and department stores could co-exist,complement each other and common development finally.

Key words:specialty stores; department stores; retailing; business strategies


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:分析专营店和综合商场两者作为实体零售商在商品、服务、目标市场、促销手段上经营策略的对比,从而找出这两者存在的问题并解决问题,最终得出专营店可以与综合商场共存且取长......
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