
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-19
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   最后,通过完成本论文的撰写,对未来娱乐营销的新形式提出设想,可以运用捆绑网络游戏 、饮料品牌为主题的微电影拍摄、手机APP终端等形式进行娱乐营销。

关键词:娱乐营销 营销模式 营销策略 


ABSTRACT:With the phenomenon of product homogeneity is increasingly clear that consumers gradually produce visual fatigue, it is no longer like blunt advertising indoctrination, the value of traditional advertising are emerging plummeting, entertainment marketing this new marketing approach emerged. This article will examine entertainment marketing this new marketing approach, and through analysis JDB success stories, drawn in the soft drink industry, entertainment marketing, the use of the value of sales of soft drinks made ​​in entertainment marketing application strategy.

   In the course of writing this paper, the main use: literature analysis, data analysis, comparative law, comparative law research charts.Use the school's library resources, network resources, by reading references provide a theoretical basis for the thesis. By studying entertainment marketing and sales of soft drinks relationship, entertainment marketing model JDB systematic analysis, to arrive at the JDB Entertainment Marketing Implications, and provides entertainment marketing model JDB soft drink sales in the application.

   Finally, through the completion of the writing of this paper on the future of the new form of entertainment marketing vision can use the bundled online games, beverage brands themed micro-filming, mobile terminals and other forms of APP entertainment marketing.

Keywords: Entertainment Marketing;marketing model;marketing strategy





上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:通过对相关参考文献的阅读、理解与分析,将娱乐营销的相关理论,中国软饮料行业目前状况,娱乐营销对软饮料销售的作用等内容进行研究,并重点研究娱乐营销与软饮料销售的关系......
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