
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-07
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摘 要:室内环境是每个人都天天有所涉及的,无论是日常生活还是工作,都与我们息息相关。在科技日益发达,生活质量不断提高的情况下,由于人口的增加、长期逗留以及各种室内所用材料的日益涌现,室内空气的质量存在很多问题。室内空气质量直接影响人们的身体健康和工作效率。挥发性有机化合物VOCs是室内空气中重要的污染物,各种挥发性有机物的总量即为总挥发性有机化合物TVOC(Total Volatile Organic Compounds)。本文的具体工作之一是以GC112A气相色谱仪为实验仪器,利用气相色谱法对部分挥发性有机化合物进行定性分析,在进行相关文献资料的查阅、掌握TVOC分析研究方法基础上对10种可挥发性有机化合物标准溶液进行定性分析,从而扩展可挥发性有机物的定性分析物种,并将标准样混合,进行混合样的定性分析,以此进一步验证定性分析的准确性、可靠性。本文的具体工作之二是对北京地区室内空气中可挥发性有机物的污染情况进行调查,通过空气采样器对室内空气进行采集,并进行进一步的分析、评价。

关键词:气相色谱 总挥发性有机化合物 定性分析 室内空气质量与评价


Abstract:Indoor environment is everybody is involved every day, whether it is the daily life or work, and everyday life. In science and technology is developed, and the continuous improvement in the quality of life of the case, with the increase of population, long-term stay and various indoor materials increasingly emerging, indoor air quality has a lot of problems. Indoor air quality directly affect people's physical health and efficiency. Volatile organic compound VOCs is in the indoor air the important pollutant, each volatile organic matter's total quantity is total volatile organic compound TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds). One of this article concrete work is as tests the instrument take the GC112A gas phase chromatograph, carries on the qualitative analysis using the gas phase chromatography to the partial volatile organic compound, in carries on the related literature material the consult, to grasp in the TVOC analytical study method foundation to be possible the volatile organic compound standard solution to carry on the qualitative analysis to 10 kinds, thus expands may the volatile organic matter qualitative analysis species, and the standard type mix, carries on the aggregate sample the qualitative analysis, further confirms the qualitative analysis by the accuracy, the reliability. Second this article concrete work are may the volatile organic matter pollution situation carry on the investigation to the Beijing area indoor air, carries on gathering through the air sampling instrument to the indoor air, and carries on the further analysis, the appraisal.

Key words:Gas chromatography,Total Volatile Organic Compounds, Qualitative analysis,Indoor air quality and appraisal

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:本论文关于北京市室内空气质量的调查,共抽测22个检测点,其中办公室19个检测点,居民居住室3个检测点。3个居民居住室检测点的室内空气质量超过国家标准,其中超标的检测项目分......
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