
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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关键词:磷酸盐  La  共沉淀  水培


Abstract:Rare earth is the most abundant strategic resources  in  china,  used widely. The solubility of rare earth phosphate is small .In plant nutrient solution, there are phosphate, easy to form precipitation with rare earth, thus affecting the accuracy of results. In a related experiment, it should be used a certain method to avoid this phenomenon. This study uses the method hydroponic culture plants, tomato as the test plants, compare these three methods of split-root nutrient solution culture, the time separation of La and phosphate, and spray phosphate on tomato growth. The results showed that: little difference in moisture content of change of these three methods. Appropriate concentration of rare earth stimulation, chlorophyll content of plants can promote, of  the three methods, the split-root nutrient solution culture promoted the most.

Keywords: phosphate   La   coprecipitation    hydroponic





上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本研究采用水培植物的方法,以番茄作为供试植物,比较分根营养液培养法、时间上分离La和磷酸盐以及喷施磷酸盐这三种方法对番茄生长的影响。结果表明:三种方法对含水率变化影响......
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