
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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关键词: 环境影响评价,环境保护,环境影响评价报告书


Abstract:Environmental impact assessment, refers to the likely environmental impact analysis, forecasting and assessment of the planning and implementation of construction projects, giving suggests or measures to prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts and taking methods to track and monitor.

   Environmental impact assessment is a technical. It is also a scientific method of understanding the mutual relationships of the economic development, social development and the environmental development .Meanwhile, it is a method is to correctly handle with the economic development to conform to the country's overall interests and long-term interests, and is an effective means to strengthen environmental management. It plays an important role in guiding a series of major decisions like determining the direction of economic development and protecting the environment .

   Environmental impact assessment is a process of comprehensive analysis on natural conditions, resources, environmental quality conditions and the current socio-economic development of a certain area. It is based on the area’s comprehensive capabilities of the environment, the society, and the resources. The aim of that is to limit the human activities impact to a minimum.

   This project about the environmental impact assessment is aimed to survey the surrounding environment of the proposed project site to understand the suitability of the surrounding environment quality of construction projects; to predict the proposed project's emissions and the impact on the surrounding environment level through engineering analysis of the proposed project; to analyze the proposed pollution control programs and the feasibility of the  chosen project site from the environmental point of view; and to provide a scientific basis for environmental management

Keyword:Environmental Impact Assessment,Environmental Protection,Environmental impact assessment report




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:本项目为某医科大学第二附属医院进行的儿童、消化医学中心综合楼项目项目,社会效益良好,符合产业政策和规划,对所排放的污染物采取了有效的污染控制措施,污染物排放达标,......
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