
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-23
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Abstract:With economic development, water pollution is increasing. And the most prominent problem is the eutrophication. A survey which came from United Nations Environment Programme showed that 30% to 40% of the lakes and reservoirs have different degrees of eutrophication. Lake eutrophication showed rapid development, large hazardous, difficult to control, and long restore time, but the mathematical model can reflect the system characteristics comprehensively, so model is particularly useful in the lake management.

   This model is taken into account water temperature, nitrogen, phosphorus and other factors on the growth rate of algae. By observing the N/P ratio changes, amendments to the parameters of TP, the trend of the regression equation predicted, we get an equation for calculating the peak of algae, so that it can more accurately describe the process of algal growth. Stability and accuracy is essential in the algal growth model. Therefore, absolute stability are established with a polynomial regression method of algae growth model.

   Model results showed that the description of the state variables was ideal, and it makes the equation is consistent with the requirements of algal growth variation, it is also a better approximation of measured values. The simulation results conform with the basic measurements, and it also explain the difference. The results showed that the algal growth model and its algorithm is effective.

Keywords: XuanWu Lake, Eutrophication, AGP, Growth model




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:水体富营养化的危害很大,是当今世界面对的主要水污染问题之一。水体富营养化已经造成了很多有害的影响如:水质恶化、散发腥臭异味、降低水体的透明度、向水体释放有毒物质、......
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