
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-23
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Abstract:The oxidation ditch is one kind of simple active sludge system, by the circulatory flowing of the active sludge in the closed aeration channel, through  the microbes in the active sludge to degradation and remove the  organic pollutant in the sewage unceasingly , to achieves the purification sewage the goal. because of its good water quality,stable operation,, easy management,and other technical features .it has a wide range of applications in the sewage treatment plant in China. This paper frist describes the important of urban sewage treatment . Then introduces the development and application of the oxidation ditch process in sewage treatment,and several typical  oxidation ditch process. Finally, combine with the actual of Jiangning Wastewater treatment plant ,make a brief analysis of the operation of the oxidation ditch.

   Jiangning sewage treatment plant built in three phases, using three different kinds of oxidation ditch process. The first phase of the uses Orbal oxidation ditch process, the second phase uses A2/O oxidation ditch process. This paper introduces the them briefly, The processing of sewage of the phase is 4 million tons a day,it adapt DE oxidation ditch process.

 DE oxidation ditch system, with a separate secondary sedimentation tank and return sludge system.The brush in the ditch runed in turn at high speed and low speed, will enable the two ditches in the anoxic and aerobic states in turn. Oxidation ditch with only alternate lines Nitrification and denitrification,it was the process. developed specifically for biological nitrogen removal. The two oxidation ditches connected with each other,and run in series, the water follow in and out of.in turn. Set the anaerobic in the former of the oxidation ditch, sludge back to the anaerobic part, biological phosphorus removal can be achieved, and phosphorus removed with the sludge ultimately. The whole system remove nitrogen and phosphoru while achieve the effect of removal.of Organic pollutants.

Key words: Sewage Treatment; oxidation ditch; operation


上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:污水处理厂分三期建设,采用了三种不同的氧化沟工艺。其中一期工程采用奥贝尔氧化沟工艺,二期工程采用A2/O法氧化沟工艺,本文简要对一二期的氧化沟进行了介绍,三期工程日处理污......
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