
资料分类:教学研究 上传会员:致青春小刘 更新时间:2013-06-17
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摘 要





   Teachers' teaching rude behavior is a kind of extremely common problems in teaching behavior, it not only affects the psychological state of the students, but also influences the character of the students, the will, the emotional, cognitive, values, and so, completely devoid of the students' individual character, affect the students' personality development. In addition, it to teachers, school, society also caused great negative effect. Teachers' teaching rude behavior has been the focus of the society, the teachers' teaching rough behavior of the management strategy is imperative. The management strategy of teachers' teaching rough behavior mainly has: the management strategy of teaching language rough behavior, the management strategy of teaching communication rough behavior, the management strategy of teaching counseling rough behavior, the management strategy of teaching organization rough behavior , the management strategy of teaching evaluation rough behavior.

Keywords: Teachers; Teaching rude behavior; Management strategy


上传会员 致青春小刘 对本文的描述:教师教学粗暴行为的管理策略主要有:教学语言粗暴行为的管理策略、教学交往粗暴行为的管理策略、教学辅导粗暴行为的管理策略、教学组织粗暴行为的管理策略、教学评价粗暴行为......
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