
资料分类:教学研究 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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ABSTRACT:The worldwide conception of the interpersonal relationship in classroom is the direct psychological relationship and distance between class members through interaction which includes the teacher-student relationship and the relationship between students. Such interpersonal relationship can influence the teacher-student interaction while teaching and the development of both teachers and students with its unique characteristic. Whether such relationship is good or not affects not only the participation of students, but the depth and breadth of content and knowledge during a teaching interaction. Functioning as a double-edged sword, it plays an important role in teaching interaction for its both improving and restricting side to teaching interaction. This paper bases on the research on the interpersonal relationship in Class Three of Wenlan Primary School, Mengzi City, Yunnan Province. Starting from such relationship, this paper analyses teacher-student background, teacher-student relationship and the relationship among students, then identifies the existing problems and reasons, and thus targets to find some to solution to improve interpersonal relationship in the class which can promote the countermeasures of teaching interaction.

Keywords: Interpersonal relationship in class ; teacher-student relationship ;the relationship between students ; Interactive Teaching


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:班级人际关系是班级里各成员之间通过交往而形成的心理上的直接关系和距离,主要包括师生关系和生生关系。班级人际关系以它独特的人际关系来影响教学互动、影响师生的发展。班......
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