
资料分类:教学研究 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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ABSTRACT:The students, who have problems in behaviors or learning, psychological or physical, are always been called Students with Learning Difficulties, and are placed in a special class or a special school. After the implementation of the New Curriculum Reform, more and more those students enroll in ordinary schools. The Little Rabbit Teeth is one of the above-mentioned students, who is of huge difference in the looking, emotions, mind and behaviors from the normal teenagers. He should be a shining little star in the class, but his silence makes him like the air no matter what he says or does. During the teaching process, he is often neglected by the teacher and derided by his classmates. This study tries to launch a case study on the Little Rabbit Teeth, via the applications of interview, observation, to uncover his mind plus the reason of his abnormal behaviors. On the basis of the information, discovering the major reason of the psychology and the related behaviors, thus to put forward some suggestions for the schools, teachers, parents and the society, to help correct some disagreeable phenomena, also in a hope of the reinforcement of the normal communications and learning abilities.

Key Words: silence; Students with Learning Difficulties; neglect; case study


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:本研究通过对“小兔牙”这个比较典型的特殊学生进行个案分析,运用访谈法、观察法着重摸清“小兔牙”的心理,了解造成“小兔牙”的反常行为等原因,从而获得研究资料,探析形成......
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