
资料分类:教学研究 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-09-01
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Abstract:In The new course standard of Chinese, it put forward to more specific requirements on oral communication, the standards also requires the Chinese oral communication teaching methods to closer to real life and developed in practical way. Eventually, outstanding it communicative functions, which reflects attaching importance to communicative function is a new concept on oral communication teaching in the new age. But now the implementation of the new idea about oral communication teaching in rural areas is not still in place. There is still a problem. This essay tries to survey the current situation of oral communication teaching in the middle and high grades of primary school in XIANGDA Township, so as to analyze the drawbacks of oral communication teaching crux of the problem. Finally, making a pointed solution strategy through three factors, which is school, teacher and student. It will also provide some theoretical and practical reference in the middle and high grades of primary school in XIANGDA Township at in YUNNAN province.

KEY WORDS:  primary school; oral communication teaching; present condition investigation; analysis




上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:笔者从学校、教师、学生三方面分析原因,提出相应建议,为象达乡小学中高年级口语交际教学提供一些理论和实践参考。但由于研究和写作水平有限,论文还存在一定不足。......
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