
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-29
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关键词 澳添励;婴儿奶粉;服务营销;SWOT


Abstract:As China's economy continues to improve, the market which is demand for high-grade infant milk powder is very strong. In the face of this huge market, every milk powder production enterprises has launched a fierce competition in the domestic. Facing direct competition and potential competitor's challenge, the rapid growth of consumer satisfaction and loyalty is the brand which is becoming a problem to be solved in current many milk companies. 

   Theory of service marketing, analysis of marketing status of Australian Tim Lai milk powder Market in China, analysis of China market competition environment, through to the Australian Tim Lai milk analysis of China's market environment, to find out the Australian Tim Lai powder Chinese market service marketing existence question, proposes the marketing strategy and suggestions, so as to better the enterprises to develop service marketing strategies, effectively promote Macao Tim Lai milk sales in China market. The article points out that the infant formula manufacturers must build up excellent marketing team, perfect service system, using humanized service strategy to better meet consumer demand, to increase customer loyalty through the establishment of the corporate culture of human nature.

Keywords   OZmilko   Baby milk powder   Service marketing    SWOT




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文运用服务营销的相关理论,分析澳添励奶粉中国市场的营销现状,剖析公司中国市场的竞争环境,通过对澳添励奶粉中国市场环境分析,找出澳添励奶粉中国市场服务营销存在的问题......
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