
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-29
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关键词   品牌营销;SWOT分析;策略


Abstract:In recent years, with China’s rapid economic development and the success of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, the domestic sports industry has developed by leaps and bounds. Foreign brands of sports products shift their market to China which is tremendous in potential and with a large population. At present, however, domestic sports brands are still in the stage of exploration for the brand construction and there is no brand in China that is able to against the international sports brands such as Nike and Adidas.Moreover, local brands in China are now in adjustment in post-olympic era. Due to the crazy expansion before, there are a series of problems such as imbalanced production and marketing, soaring inventory pressures, and damaged brand image. In this situation, how to enhance the brand competitiveness in our country, how to increase brand influence, and how to make use of the superior resources to expand the market share, etc., are common problems for domestic local sports brands.

   This thesis takes Peak, China's national sports brand as it research object, analyzing it by using the basic theories and methods of the brand and brand marketing strategy, combined with the peak current brand sales issues. In the first place, the thesis briefly introduces the profile and the development of the brand of this enterprise. In the second place, it elabrates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats in the process of brand marketing and the problems confronted in marketing at the present stage with SWOT matri. At last, using the knowledge of the related courses such as marketing, management and so on, it puts forward targeted solutions on the basis of SWOT analysis.

   The main goal of this thesis is to make every effort to solve the problems faced in the brand marketing of Peak, to improve the present brand marketing situations, and to enhance the image and the international competitiveness of China's local sports brands.

Keywords   Brand marketing  SWOT analysis  strategy


上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文以中国民族运动品牌匹克为研究对象,通过运用品牌及品牌营销策略的基本理论与方法,结合匹克品牌目前的品牌营销现状对其进行分析。首先,从匹克企业整体概况以及品牌发展......
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