
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-06
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关键词:跨国公司;FDI ;纺织行业;风险;对策 


ABSTRACT:Since the Reform and Opening-up, China's absorption and utilization of foreign direct investment to achieve an unprecedented rapid growth of the economy. In recent years, a significant change in foreign direct investment in China is multinational direct investment in China's efforts to strengthen significantly. The strong potential market in China for the Multi-National Corporation's direct investment provides a good market environment, Multi-National Corporation's direct investment in China continues to increase, the focus of China's utilization of foreign direct investment by attracting foreign investment in small-scale becomes attract multinational investment. The focus on China's utilization of foreign direct investment also from attracting small foreign investment to Multi-National Corporation investment. Multi-National Corporation's direct investment has not only brought the funds for the development of enterprises of our country, but advanced technology, organization, management system and other intangible assets, accelerated the process of internationalization in China. The strategies and forms of Multi-National Corporation's direct investment in China, for the development of our domestic enterprises is the inevitable challenges.

   In this context, this paper will take the textile industry as an example to analyze the problem of Multi-National Corporation's direct investment in China. On the basis of theoretical research about Multi-National Corporation's direct investment, the paper will analyze the present situation of Multi-National Corporation's direct investment in China as well as the analysis of strategy adjustment of Multi-National Corporation's direct investment in China in recent year, and discuss deeply about the Multi-National Corporation's direct investment in China on China's enterprise development, especially the analysis of the risks about textile enterprise. At the same time, according to the analysis on the relevant data and cases, and draw conclusions and policy recommendations, in order to reduce the Multi-National Corporation's direct investment on China's textile industry caused by the negative effects, and enhance the ability of Chinese enterprises to resist risks, improve the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises.

Keywords: Multi-National Corporation; FDI; The textile industry; Risk; Countermeasures 





上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:跨国公司在华投资方式由合作经营,合资经营为主转移到以控股乃至独资为主,并继续呈现新的趋势和特点。我国企业对外资的依赖一定程度上脱离了既定的轨道,这需要迫切关注并寻......
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