
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-06
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ABSTRACT:Food has been the important issues of our lives, food safety directly affect our health hazard to life, with our food safety problems are often seen in the recent years; we also pay attention to this important issue of food safety. Food Safety and Foreign Trade has a significant association. The food industry is a pillar industry in China, having a pivotal position in China's economic development. Foods are safe will certainly affect the foreign trade of China's food situation. We want to develop our food industry, the food industry must be allowed to go out of the country, and the international competitiveness of China's food directly affects the level of food quality and safety. Thereby promoting the international competitiveness of China's food has become an increasingly important issue. But in recent years, due to food safety issues, food for export to the United States, European Union, Japan and other countries or regions often setbacks, the international community in improving food safety and quality standards, some of our food safety and quality standards far below the world other countries, the most important legislation law enforcement supervision system of China's food industry is not perfect, the punishment is not tough enough. 

   In this paper will take qualitative and quantitative analysis method of combining. And a holistic analysis, comparison and generalization method will be summarized. Find dates meet the requirements extracted through books and online papers, reading famous predecessors writings, using raw data for analysis through rigorous scientific approach.

   We will focus on the analysis of status of China's food export industry and sum the reasons that China's food safety repeatedly subjected to the United States, Japan, the EU and other countries and regions during 2010-2012. The results show that the reasons for Japan's detention concentrated in microbial contamination exceeded pesticide and veterinary drug residue standards, illegal use of additives; U.S. concentrated in substandard food additives, microbial contamination, farm animals and disabled; the EU focused on mass transfer,heavy metals, microbial exceeded, agricultural residues and other animals. The main reasons are: domestic factors, the first is market failure, asymmetric information, public goods problem bring food safety issues; Secondly, due to environmental pollution, agriculture veterinary drug residues, microbial contamination, food scale, education and other problems; then the most important is the legal system of the regulatory system is not perfect, this is the underlying factor.

   Finally are our specific measures to food safety. Government should establish and improve the food safety laws and regulations, strengthen supervision and management; and then to build a consumer-oriented consumption of food safety training system, to enhance information sharing and strengthen international industry communication. Consumers should strengthen and learn relevant food safety knowledge. Reducing security problems is the only way to enhance the competitiveness of China's food industry.

Keywords: Food Safety; Foreign Trade; measures


上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:国内因素主要表现在以下五个方面,分别是环境污染,食品安全检验检疫技术与设备落后,监管不到位,质量安全水平不高,国内外食品安全标准不一致。最后本文提出我国应对出口食......
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