
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-08
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关键词:三农问题 原因 出路


ABSTRACT:A variety of situations in Agriculture, farmers and rural areas constitute the China's "Agriculture,Countryside and Farmer" issues . In the national economy, agriculture plays an important role in providing material security of food, clothing and other need ; promoting the industrial, construction and other industry , Although the proportion of GDP has declined yearly, but its supporting role can not be overlooked, Agriculture also provide protection in the development and progress of national economy . Socialist modernization rely on the masses, and the new rural construction rely on the majority of our labour groups to. However, due to farmers' life miserable. Therefore, they are lacking of enthusiastic for building a new countryside . 21st century, solving the "farmers, agriculture and rural" problems is conducive to the China's reform and opening up, the socialist modernization and the great revival of the Chinese . 16th National Congress of Communist Party of China pointed out that construct the well-off society, we must solve the "Agriculture,Countryside and Farmer"issue. 18th National Congress of Communist Party of China put forward the"Agriculture,Countryside and Farmer" issue as a top priority of the government's work to achieve the "Agriculture,Countryside and Farmer"issue breakthroughs.Government attentions "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer" issue more and more. Therefore, Facing on the status and reason of current Agriculture,Countryside and Farmer" issues, this paper propose the solutions combined with practical.

Keywords: "Agriculture,Countryside and Farmer" issues ;reason;solution


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:把“三农”问题作为政府工作的重中之重,实现“三农”问题的新突破。“三农”问题越来越受到政府、社会各界的高度重视。因此,本文结合实际,针对我国“三农”问题的现状及其......
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