
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-17
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Abstract:With the development of economic globalization and the prosperity of the service industry, the rapid development of international service trade, Service trade domain expands ceaselessly, Service trade liberalization process is accelerated, the focus of global economic competition starts from goods trade to service trade. In recent years, Facing the severe situation insufficient foreign demand, Jiangsu service trade but keeps growing momentum., So, Vigorously develop the service trade development of foreign trade in Jiangsu province is to become the strategic choice. This paper first discusses the present situation of Jiangsu service trade is the size of the service trade condition; Jiangsu service trade volume; Jiangsu province of service trade structure than. Then found there are a series of problems: trade in services and goods trade not harmonious; Services trade deficit increased year by year; Service trade area development is not balanced; Service trade less competitive. And then analyes the restricted the development of service trade factors in Jiangsu province, and points out the concrete measures: to promote trade in goods and services trade, harmonious development and key regional development; Strengthen the service trade carrier construction; Increasing the service trade competitiveness and speed up the development of logistics industry and service outsourcing.

Key words:Service trade; Severe situation; Strategic choice


上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:分析了制约江苏省发展服务贸易的因素,最后指出了具体措施:促进货物贸易与服务贸易协调发展和重点区域发展;强化服务贸易载体建设;提升服务贸易竞争力以及加快服务外包和物......
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