
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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[Abstract]In recent years, China's economic situation has undergone a drastic fluctuation. The central bank continuously adjust statutory deposit reserve ratio for the country's steady development has provided an important guarantee. From being used in the frequency of view, the statutory deposit reserve has become China's monetary policy instruments commonly used. On July 5, 2006 to February 24, 2011, our statutory deposit reserve ratio adjustments up to 30 times. The adjustment of the statutory deposit reserve has become the country's most important monetary policy tools. The paper tries to analyze our country inflation situation for study the effectiveness of the deposit reserve rate adjustment. And specific guidance deposit reserve rate adjust to control inflation in practice. The deposit reserve ratio adjustments and provide a theoretical basis, and specific guidance in practice be able to deposit reserve rate policy implementation, in order to better exercise of the government's economic functions, stabilize the currency market, thus the promotion of economic growth.

Key Words: Deposit   reserve   ratio  ;  Inflation;  CPI

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:了控制基础货币的投放过快增长, 减缓日益严重的通胀问题,中央银行必须收缩信贷的基础货币投放量, 紧缩信贷的规模, 减小货币乘数。由于我国当前的利率水平远高于美联储的基准利......
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