
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词:欧债危机  中国  对外贸易  贸易差额  创新


ABSTRACT:In 2009,the Greek debt crisis had happened, which has quickly spread throughout the Eurozone. Then the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis has intensified. Due to the effect, the world economy and global financial develop slowly. The European Union is Chinese largest trading partner and largest export market. European debt crisis continues to intensify economic development not only makes the weak of European countries, but also effects China's foreign trade seriously, especially EU trade. In this paper, by analyzing the evolution of the European debt crisis, the generation and the causes of the spread, and the measures taken by the EU, study the impact of  the European debt crisis on the China's foreign trade situation, the impact of the European debt crisis on the China's foreign trade development trends and the impact of the European debt crisis on the China's foreign trade development opportunity, then study its positive and negative impacts on the China's foreign trade. At the same time, well-studied and discussed in this context of the European debt crisis, China should be how to meet the challenge, how to seize the opportunity. In the face of increasingly complex international environment and domestic situation, to ensure the sustainable and steady development of the economy of our country, and to promote the development and growth of our economy,the government and enterprises should how to take measures and strategies. 

Keywords: Eurozone debt crisis;China;Foreign Trade;Trade Balance;Innovation

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:在分析中,本文吸收相关领域中前人的研究理论和实践基础,进一步研讨欧债危机对我国对外贸易的影响。同时,本文的研究在促进我国进出口贸易的稳定增长和我国经济的持续稳定发......
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