
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-10
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关键词: 欧债危机   纺织品行业  应对策略


Abstract: At the end of 2009, the debt crisis in Greece opened the prelude of the debt crisis in Europe. In order to help Greece get out of the crisis, on May 2010, the IMF and the EU start-up capital relief mechanism, providing Greece a loan of 110 billion Euros. However, external rescue did not stop the spread of the debt crisis. Irish debt crisis broke out in November 2010; Portugal debt crisis broke out on March 2011。The EU launched the second round of the rescue to Greece in July 2011,but in September the same year, the IMF and the EU didn’t start the second round of bailout to Greece due to the fiscal deficit during  the year and the failing to control the fiscal deficit . As a result, European debt crisis intensified. However, the EU is the major exporting countries for China's textile . The debt crisis in Europe is shrinking EU economy, the unemployment rate continued high. This paper studies the influence of Europe debt crisis on China's textile industry , seeking solutions and coming up with suitable strategies. Europe's debt crisis can not defeat all Chinese textile export enterprises .For some strong textile enterprises. It may be an opportunity .This article will analyze several aspects of positive and negative impacts of the European debt crisis on the textile industry. Finally, coming up with the copping strategies for problems.

Key Words:Europe debt crisis   textile industry     copping strategies

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:从出口的主要市场看,欧盟无疑是我国纺织品出口的主要国家,2008年的后四个月我国纺织品对欧盟出口同比增长40.4%,于此同时对其他出口市场的出口状况也持乐观的增长速度。但是200......
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