
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-08
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Abstract:In the reform and open policy,the trade is playing an important role in the economy development of Dongguan.At the same time,it is named "an engine of growth".Because of the prosperity of foreign trade.It has accumulated a great of capital,technology,talent.The foreign trade is NO.3 for seven years in China.Dongguan also ranks in the forefront,which has become one of China's areas that fastest economic growth. As the reform of foreign trade system develops and deepens, the renminbi exchange rate fluctuations, the financial market turmoil and so on.If foreign trade enterprise keep export-oriented processing trade,Dongguan didn’t have the way.We must look for a new idea to develop foreign trade enterprise.

   Based on the development of foreign trade enterprises and the following analysis of the transformation and upgrade, Expounds the Dongguan foreign trade enterprise of the transformation and upgrade of its causes and conditions with the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade enterprises, and in the light of the characteristics of Dongguan proposed the strategic transformation and upgrading of foreign trade.

Key Words: Foreign trade enterprises in dongguan,Transformation and Upgrading,Countermeasures

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:东莞的外贸发展程度和国外发达国家相比还存在很大的差距,处于国际分工产业链的低端,因此,外贸的转型和升级将是今后东莞外贸企业发展的一项重要的任务,同时也是顺应我国由......
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