
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-01
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摘 要:中小企业是我国经济不可或缺的一部分,有着不可替代的地位,在经济发展中有着重要作用。信贷对于中小企业的发展来说至关重要,本文从国内研究现状和国外研究现状两个方面进行具体整理分析,从CSMAR数据库中获取了国内私营企业、三资企业和乡镇企业2000年至2010年十年间的贷款数据以及四大国有银行2000年到2010年十年间的贷款数据,对此三类企业的信贷可获性和贷款市场集中度进行实证分析,运用了经济学,金融学等基本原理,把国内商业银行竞争对中小企业信贷可获性影响问题作为研究对象,同时以贷款CR4值理论为依据,结合我国中小企业和商业银行的实际特点,系统地分析了商业银行竞争对中小企业信贷可获性的影响,深入探讨了商业银行竞争对中小企业信贷可获性影响的几个方面。结果发现,银行中间的相互竞争更激烈时,私营企业可以获得更多的贷款,但是三资企业和乡镇企业获得贷款的难度将增加。乡镇企业和三资企业的信贷可获性随着银行竞争度加大而减小,私营企业的信贷可获性随着银行竞争度的加大而增加。三类企业整体的信贷可获性随着银行竞争度的增加而减小,并且该影响是显著的。

关键词:信贷可获性   Pearson相关性检验   市场集中度   贷款竞争


Abstract:Small and medium-sized enterprises are an integral part of China's economy, and has an irreplaceable position. They are playing an important role in economic development. Credit is crucial for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. This article analyses the situation from both domestic and foreign aspect specifically. The loan data between 2000 to 2010 of the domestic private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, township enterprises and the four major state-owned banks are gotten from the CSMAR database. This article analyses these three types of credit availability and loan market concentration empirically. 

The analysis of the influence of the competition in domestic commercial bank to the availability of small and medium-sized enterprises is based on the basic principles of economics, finance, etc. Meanwhile, according to the loans CR4 value theory, the article studies the influence of the competition in domestic commercial bank to the availability of small and medium-sized enterprises, discusses several aspects of this impact, combined with the actual characteristics of China's small and medium-sized enterprises and commercial bank. 

As a result, the private enterprises can get more loans when the competitions among commercial banks become intense. But it will increase the difficulty of foreign-funded enterprises and township enterprises to obtain loans. So the credit availability of the township enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises decreases and that of the private enterprises increases with the increase of the intensity of bank competition. The overall credit availability of three types of enterprises decreases with the increase in the degree of competition among banks, and the effect is significant. 

Keywords: availability of credit; Pearson Relativity analysis; market concentration; loan competition

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:本文共分为三个部分展开。首先是文献综述,从国内研究现状和国外研究现状两个方面进行具体整理分析,并得出自己的评述。其次通过国内商业银行竞争对中小企业信贷可获性影响的......
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