
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-18
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关键字:光伏产业 行业分析 产能过剩 财务杠杆 建议


Abtract:In recent years, the haze weather appears frequently in our country ,the main environmental problems such as PM2.5 gradually escalated into a major livelihood issue of China, NPC and CPPCC period was first written into work report of government. Environmental issues and energy reduction indicates the future trend of new energy industry development,the new government explicitly proposed to "vigorously develop energy-saving environmental protection and new energy industry". Photovoltaic industry is one of the strategic emerging industry in China, which is renewable and environmental and has low barriers to entry . It may cause the problem of excess production as other emerging industries. This paper reviews the development process of the world photovoltaic industry, analyses the current situation and difficulties of China's PV industry , explains reasons of the plight from aspect of the industrial economic cycle, economic fluctuation and the core technical ability insufficient, and puts forward some suggestions for future development of photovoltaic industry.

Key words: Photovoltaic industry  industry analysis excess production capacity Financial leverage Suggestions

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:我国能源生产和消费的现状不容乐观,能源自给率逐渐下降,经济增长需求能源的形势非常严峻,能源安全储备问题日益突出,能源变革刻不容缓,可再生能源的利用应被放到突出地位......
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