
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:嗳暖暖 更新时间:2014-10-27
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:7630
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关键字:平安银行 理财产品 投资者偏好


Abstract:In current Chinese market, the nationals have a clearer idea of wealth management products. So their demands for financing products rise gradually. Whatever banks, trust companies, debt dealers, even a variety of financial mediums all begin to introduce individualized and personal wealth management products and relevant services to investors to choose from. In the financial environment which changes rapidly, do investors exactly prefer great profits or low-risk insurance or individualized system services?

   It is acknowledged that the current Chinese financial market has been paid attention to from all directions. People from all walks of life participate in wealth management products through various methods to occupy a space for themselves in the financial market. A number of money funds on the market such as Yu E Bao, a popular money-market fund promoted by Alipay have been  vigorously sought after .Faced with a variety of rivals, what on earth could commercial banks' financing products do to withstand powerful attack and hold its own market?

   This thesis aims to inquire into the details of financing product series of PingAn Bank through cognition. Get the investors’ preferences and demands to wealth management products, put forward the idea of establishing innovating financing products and meet the demands for investors according to the data such as the sales performance of the products.

Key words:PingAn Bank finance products the demands for investors

上传会员 嗳暖暖 对本文的描述:当前中国市场上,各类理财子市场发展迅猛。其中,首当其冲的便是银行理财市场。银行理财产品相较于金融市场中基金产品市场、券商集合理财产品市场等,在最近的三年中,产品规......
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