
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-07-31
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关键词: 货运代理,发展战略,经营策略


Abstract:Our country in the accession to the WTO, the steady development of the national economy situation and international trade has increased dramatically for all international freight forwarding industry to establish a good environment foundation, at the same time, also to small and medium-sized freight enterprise development challenges.In such an environment, the freight forwarding enterprise development path of significance in this paper, the Guangzhou Xinye international freight agency Co., LTD as an example, the enterprise to carry on the comprehensive analysis, according to its organizational structure and the advantages of the customer management, from the brand, customer  management, service marketing aspects, and puts forward some reasonable and effective management strategy.

Key Words:Freight forwarders ,development strategy ,business strategy


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:采用宏观环境分析法和SWOT分析方法,对该企业进行全面分析,根据其在组织结构和拥有的客户资源等方面的优势,从品牌、客户管理、服务营销等方面着手,提出了几点合理有效的经营......
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