
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-07-31
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关键词: 微博,移动微博,企业微博营销,广东移动,效果评估


Abstract:As the network technology unceasing renewal, micro-Blogging is spread  rapidly by its unique advantages . Micro-Blogging is a hot topic in network environment, it is passed through by limiting information, instant arrival and the way of users' transceiver to achieve an independent, interactive, concise and the fast mode of spreading information. As a new interactive  media, micro-Blogging becomes accelerator of information age. This thesis will analy e-commerce and micro-Blogging development intrinsic relation and interaction dialectical by multi-channel research and discusses the micro-blogging "sinification development road, establish effective micro-blogging marketing effectiveness of evaluation system, to take shape a marketing program to embodies sinicism and suitable for the development of the enterprises, thereby raising the competitive advantage of enterprises in the e-commerce environment, which has realistic significance to contemporary enterprise electronic commerce development.

Key Words: Micro-Blogging, Enterprise marketing of micro-Blogging,mutual concern,Evaluation system


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:以微博为代表产品,介绍微博的定义、功能以及微博营销在通信企业下的应用价值。其中,在针对微博在广东移动通信企业的发展现状等总结和发现问题。最后,通过分析其发展面临的......
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