
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-11
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Abstract:The design plan to create domestic Regal's website, the purpose is to make the rich network of friends to become a reality, as users of the site to provide both in business or the dinner party, know more people the opportunity, bring rich are more broad channels of communication and expand business cooperation may. Regal's website membership to business people are, they like to exchange business information, assessment of customers and partners. Build rich web will also give plutocrats create a long and strong business atmosphere, bring a great marketing opportunity. In the realization of business communication at the same time Regal online will also establish charity module, increase domestic rich and rich network of social sense of responsibility, can bring positive effect on social media.

The design of rich network will be implemented in membership invitation system, ensure social security and privacy, to the user's level and the authenticity of data to highlight the value of. Website design joined the charity, commercial activities, golf and other characteristics of the application module, can make the rich social networks more professional. The design and analysis of the domestic social network and the development of commercial value, while foreign rich network experience. At the same time, through the market survey and analysis, design and construction of domestic rich network provides valuable reference and suggestion.

Key words: social networking sites, web design, scheme




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本设计从国外富豪网的发展状况与国内社交网站目前状况、未来的发展趋势为立足点,从设计思想、网站各功能框架等模块分析富豪网的各种功能,以此来探讨国内建立富豪网的可行性......
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