
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-07
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[关键词]秦王朝 档案意识


Abstract:Qin Dynasty was the first feudal dynasty of centralization in our history. Its nature decided that its archival Consciousness was an ancient enclosed one. However, it was not as weak as what some historians thought to be. To the contrary, in spite of its short life of 15 years since its establishment, the archivistics and archives had received lots of emphasizes from emperors down to local officials and pawns. It was this positive archival Consciousness that had led to the initiative achievements of Qin Dynasty in documentary archival work. Compared to some earlier and later dynasties, it was strong in archival Consciousness. Since the ruling class of Qin Dynasty was too superstitious in the effects of archival work, radical controlling methods were applied when some archives could not be used by the ruling class. It was a demenstration of strong sense of archives from the other side. However, things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme: these passive archival Consciousness had also made archives and archivistics suffer serious damages.

Key words: Qin Dynasty, The Archival Consciousness. 




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本文认为,秦王朝对档案一直都是重视的,这一点从来没有改变过,档案意识之强从来没被削弱过,强烈的档案意识一直贯穿着秦由强大又迅速灭亡的过程,只是在这个过程中,所表现......
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