
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-06
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关键词:电子商务  电子政务  对比分析  实用模型  落实  发展趋势


Abstract:With the continuous development of China’s economic and IT, the benefits of e-ecommerce and e-government in many industries has been proved, we can also see their benefits in the new rural construction. Comparative analysis and the status of urban and rural information service based rural information service at home and abroad, by drawing on the excellent experience and practical model to build e-commerce and e-government docking countryside for China’s rural facts and analysis, demonstration and operation. Explore the results of the next stop information services: market-oriented national policies, supplemented by e-commerce and e-government and “rural” can be combined, so that farmers sincerely convinced to share the fruits of the new century. Implement the next stop information service docking countryside according to conclusions, look to the future development trend of information services, and thus achieve the farmhouse and rural happiness.

Keywords: E-commerce; E-government; Comparative analysis; Utility models; Implement; Development trends




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:通过借鉴优秀经验以及针对我国农村实情构建电子商务与电子政务对接下乡的实用模型并加以分析、论证与运营。下一站信服的探究结果表明:以市场为导向,以国家政策为辅,电子商......
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