
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-10
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   经过对现在市面上的一些美发店管理系统进行系统的分析,本系统采用Windows+Visual studio+C#+SQL server2008的组合进行设计,以Visual Studio作为系统前台应用程序开发工具,SQL server作为后台数据库,通过Visual Studio使两者进行连接从而进行系统软件开发。实现了美发店收银、会员管理、商品管理和员工管理等功能,收银就是对客户的消费收费,会员管理是对会员的信息经行基本管理,商品管理是对商品进行管理,系统界面友好,操作简单,能很大成度的提高理发店的管理效率,提升理发店的利润。



Abstract:In the economic globalization today, establish customer-focused business strategy, can strengthen the hair salon and customer contact .To the hair salon, provide first-class customer service, is a tool for hairdressing shop established brand, realize differential service, get the competition.The basic profiles of the people use the traditional artificial way management member has been, this management way has many disadvantages: low efficiency, poor security, another time a long, will produce the massive documents and the data, for the search, the renewal and the maintenance has all brought many difficulties. And through the parlor CRM system, the supermarket can easily easily record all customer information, understand the user's interest, consumer characteristics, intention to demand; and according to the requirements of customers, providing personalized service quality to it, but also for the hair salon products import goods, branch extended to provide reliable market research data, is a useful tool for hairdressing shop management indispensable. 

   I have carried on systematic analysis on market now some salon management system, according to their ability to design, design a simple system combined by Windows+Visual studio+C#+SQL server2008. The system has friendly interface, simple operation. 

Keywords: Salon; customer management; system


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本系统采用Windows+Visual studio+C#+SQL server2008的组合进行设计,以Visual Studio作为系统前台应用程序开发工具,SQL server作为后台数据库,通过Visual Studio使两者进行连接从而进行系统软件开发......
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