
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-16
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Abstract: In the increasingly fierce industry competition, the enterprise's core competition has not only the product competition, product is no longer simply the value of the brand is its true value, the value of corporate culture which has become the measure an important indicator of brand value. Corporate culture is to promote modern management from the material, institutional and cultural level to the level of an important force for development, corporate culture is the key core competencies, corporate culture, creation and development has increasingly become the most important competition.

The development of corporate culture on their own have a good influence and promote the role of traditional domestic textile industry in Changzhou this paper Black Peony Group's development process of transformation, indicating its unique corporate culture and the relationship between new development of the Group, through the study of similar enterprises of the corporate culture building to provide some reference.

Keywords: Black Peony Group; corporate culture; state-owned enterprises; students; reference




上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:企业文化对企业自身发展有着良好影响与促进作用,本文以国内传统纺织业常州黑牡丹集团发展蜕变的过程,说明其独特的企业文化与集团发展新生的关系,通过研究为国内同类企业的......
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