
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-21
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Abstract: In recent years, the popularity and development of community archives in social all circles attention, former it is pointed out that the traditional community archives management in" heavy storage, light use" phenomenon, while the archives management still is faced with a weak concept of archives, archives management system out of order, propaganda is not obvious and many other problems, caused this phenomenon for various reasons, both subjective reason, also have objective reason, according to the community archives management problems , puts forward some rational solutions.

    Community archives filing is an omnibus job, need to have a certain basis, and the establishment of community archives job security system. In the new situation under the background of community archives construction, need to accelerate the pace of modern technology. Community archives ultimately serve the community, and is reflected in the daily life of the actual function, so the community archives construction should follow the principles and purposes of convenience, displays its use value.

Keywords: community archives; problem; reason; measures


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:社区档案建档是一项综合性工作,需要具备一定的基础,并且建立社区档案的工作保障体系。在新的形势背景之下,社区档案建设需要加快现代化的技术步伐。社区档案最终服务于社会......
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