
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-20
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【关键词】涉外秘书   人际关系   技巧


【Abstract】Interpersonal relationship is the foreign secretary the important content in the daily work, if in the international communications processes is not good interpersonal relationship, it will affect the normal work of the foreign secretary. Therefore, the foreign secretary will continue to expand theory, applied knowledge, skills and know the custom of the nations at the same time, you have to deal with leadership, colleagues and the relationship between friends. Foreign secretary in interpersonal relationship should follow some principles and methods to coordinate all aspects of interpersonal relationship, establish harmonious interpersonal relationship atmosphere. Only in this way can improve their work efficiency and the quality of work, to realize their own values, enhance the cohesive force.

【Key words】The foreign secretary      Interpersonal relation       Skill

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:由于涉外秘书因其工作环境、工作项目、工作方式、行为规范、价值准则、价值取向等受到两种或多种不同国情、不同文化背景的制约,因而对涉外秘书的工作有着不同的要求。不仅要......
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