
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-16
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Abstract: Development, inheritance and innovation of JiangSu Province town culture, is derived from the scholars devoted to works of cultural inheritance and innovation of South of JiangSu ancient town area is relatively limited. Particularly in the town prosperity today, accompanied by the local government and people for the excessive development of the cultural tourism resources, the contradiction between people and land, the mode of conflict, the homogenization of competition and not coordinated development and other issues have seriously disturbed the further development of road town. Therefore, special study reasonable development of Jiangsu ancient town culture and the cultural inheritance and innovation based on long-term becomes very necessary.

This paper tries to inquire, logical reasoning, questionnaire and interview and so on many kinds of channels and the streets by the ways of data, a comprehensive and profound analysis of the basic situation and the causes of JiangSu town and its culture. Then based on the origin of embodiment and causes the current to further explore the inheritance and innovation of ancient town culture so as to shift may town development model, and put forward the macroscopic change train of thought and specific practice measures. Finally the article can make the long-term development strategy of the town up to a certain degree of reference value.

Keywords: Regional Settlement Culture; Homogenization Competition;JiangSu Town Culture; Innovation And Model; The Ancient Town In The South Of JiangSu Province.

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:在经济、文化高速发展的今天,任何区域的全面发展都应树立其自身的特色。尤其是横跨苏浙沪的江南地区,由于其面临着相同的文化背景,难免引发区域间在传统文化价值挖掘方面的......
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