
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-16
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关键词:金融消费者保护 权益保护 次贷危机


Abstract: Perfect financial consumer protection system, is the important aspect of a nation's financial industry international competitiveness, but also an important guarantee of maintaining financial stability and financial security. Since 2008 the outbreak of the global financial crisis, it is the line of sight of people focused on the protection of consumers' rights and interests. Developed countries represented by America reiterated the importance of financial consumer protection, and quickly through legislation and a series of measures, further strengthen the financial consumers' rights and interests protection, caused the wide attention of the international community. Our government has attached great importance to the financial consumers' rights and interests protection. In this paper, aiming at the problems at present, through draw lessons and experiences from country to country, the financial consumer protection theory research and practical exploration on the summary of the relative system, with the continuous development of China's financial sector, financial consumer protection needs strengthening. Through theory and practice of financial consumer protection research, can actively in the aspect of financial consumer protection more beneficial exploration.

Key word:Financial consumer protection;protection of the rights and interests ;The subprime mortgage crisis

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:金融获知权是指金融消费者在得到一系列金融的消费服务中,可以享受取得与金融相关的必须的知识,也包含服务内容和一些另外的相联系的讯息的权利,金融经营单位应当为金融消费者给......
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