
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-16
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关键词:南通家纺; 产业集群; 演化


Abstract:By the methods of field investigation and literature synthesis to study the phenomenon of Nantong home-textile industry cluster, and analysis Nantong home-textile industry cluster evolution phase and the characteristics of each stage. Analysis on the cause of promote textile industry cluster evolution and the existing problems, propose to enhance the home-textile industry cluster competitiveness strategy. Such measures can be taken to enhance the competitive strength, reinforce the government’s control and leadership, enhance the design level, make a toward to the high-end market, to create a good environment and the continuous strengthening the overseas sales route .

Keywords:Nantong home-textile; industry cluster; evolution

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:目前国内外已有不少关于产业集群方面的研究。有探讨产业集群的概念、基本特征、分类、本质这几个方面[1],也有研究产业集群的形成动因、结构、分类、特征等,并且比较了不同类......
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