
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-16
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Abstract: The Grand Canal blessing the southern song dynasty, lasted for the southern song dynasty civilization and life, and left many poems creation. At the end of the southern Song dynasty, patriotic poet Wen Tianxiang left many poems which record the tracks of the cannal travel ,when he traveled in The Grand Canal. His these poems described his harsh encounters in detail and expressed his sincere patriotic ambition. At the same time, it also clearly reflects the prevailing social conditions and the scenery along the canal.

Key words: Wen Tianxiang; Canal traveled poems

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:两宋运河路线基本沿用隋唐,只是对运河不断进行疏浚改造。南宋末期,北方运河阻塞不畅,大抵是由于金朝疏于治理河渠。南宋王朝偏居江南,以临安为中心的江南运河,为其物资供......
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