
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-19
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关键词:指数基金;投资策略 ;LOF基金; ETF基金



   Fund has more and more investors as risk-sharing, shared interests of the investment. In a long time period, the index fund's income is better than any of the vast majority funds. There are inherent advantages in diversify risk, low-cost, simple management, taxation of index funds. For most ordinary investors, to invest in index funds is the best choice. Index fund includes ETF Fund and the LOF fund. There are not only closed-end fund trading and low transaction costs advantages in LOF fund, but also in net terms as the open-end fund prices. The LOF fund also has the possibility to be simple arbitrage for the small investors. This thesis will offer a simple analysis between the index funds advantages and also between the ETF Fund and the LOF fund. At the last, it will offer some advice and investment strategy for the further investors of the LOF fund.

Key words: Index Fund;Investment strategy;LOF Fund;ETF Fund


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:对于普通投资者的最佳选择是投资指数基金。指数基金主要有ETF基金和LOF基金组成。LOF基金既具备了封闭式基金交易方便、交易成本低的优点,又具备了开放式基金价格以净值计算的优......
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