
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-19
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   With the rapid development of economy, the logistics plays an increasingly important role, becoming the third profit source of enterprises. The reverse logistics is becoming a popular role. A lot of companies take reverse logistics as a new competitiveness. And the discarded appliances reverse logistics as an important part of reverse logistics, followed by concern of many academics and business, people begin to study the reverse logistics of discarded appliances. But this research is limited to the reverse logistics model or system, such as network design studies, inventory control and management of reverse logistics information system research, system research, there is no specific theory or practice of reverse logistics for discarded appliances. This paper summarizes the definitions, characteristics and status quo of the reverse logistics of discarded appliances, analyze the existing problems of the reverse logistics of discarded appliances, and finally, put forward policies and suggestions from individual, enterprise, and the government three aspects to solve the problem of reverse logistics, and to promote waste electrical appliance reverse logistics get better and faster development. Hope that these studies will change people's thinking and have a positive effect in the reverse logistics of waste electrical appliances enterprises.

Keywords: discarded appliances; reverse logistics; problem analysis; suggestions


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:本论文总结了废旧家电逆向物流的定义、特点及现状,分析废旧家电逆向物流存在的问题,最后分别从个人、企业、政府三角度提出了有利于解决逆向物流问题,有利于推动废旧家电逆......
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