
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-19
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   Accounts receivable is an important content to corporate working capital management. Whether the management is reasonable or not will directly impact on working capital turnover and economic benefits, and it also relate to the cash flow and financial needs of reproduction. As for economic development and social stability, SMEs plays an important role. Compared with large enterprises, the SMEs have smaller sizes, simple structures, backward managing thinking are what have made the Small and medium enterprises’ developed not suiting to market economy. So as an important part of the corporate working capital management, the Accounts Receivable management should be aroused a high attention by the SME managers. SMEs analysis cost of Accounts Receivable, internal controls prevent and the increase overall efficiency and reduce of business risk was also needs to pay much attention.

   This study raise some actual problem existed in our country’s SME accounts receivable management and put forward certain existed problem the receivables management with analysis the influence of accounts receivable to SMEs. What it put forward improves the accounts receivable of SMEs from establishing system, the day-to-day management and post-control aspects of SME receivables management. And so as to give full play to function of the good commercial credit which provide a reference for Chinese SMEs in improving their business management.

Keywords: SMEs ;Accounts receivable; Internal control;Credit


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:本文从研究应收账款对中小企业的影响入手,分析了我国中小企业应收账款管理中实际存在的若干问题,并针对这些问题从制度建立、日常管理和事后控制等方面提出了中小企业应收账......
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