
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-19
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  In the 21st century, logistics industry has become the key factors of enterprise economic development in production enterprise or sales enterprise or retail enterprise, and so on, logistics play a tremendous role. Small and medium-sized enterprise because of its own smaller, hardware facilities of the equipment is not perfect, the software system is not quite comprehensive, distribution became the influence the threshold of the enterprise development. This paper by using their logistics management theory knowledge, summarizes the distribution of the definition and link, logistics and distribution in enterprise's function, and through research that the distribution model for smes on the importance of development. The analysis on the distribution patterns in the small and medium enterprise self-support, the third party logistics distribution mode distribution model and the common distribution mode three distribution mode; Analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the three kinds of distribution mode, for enterprises in choice of distribution mode provides a feasible scheme, finally summarize the research results, Analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the three kinds of distribution mode, for enterprises in choice of distribution mode provides a feasible scheme, finally summarize the research results, the small and medium-sized enterprise distribution model selection provides theory basis.

Key word:The distribution model, distribution, small and medium-sized enterprises


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:物流配送在企业中的作用,并通过研究得出配送模式对中小企业发展的重要性。同时分析了中小企业配送模式中的自营配送模式、第三方物流配送模式和共同配送模式三种配送模式;分......
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